Sepha completes successful remote FAT and SAT

Sepha has successfully completed remote Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) for its range of non-destructive leak test equipment for the pharmaceutical industry. As we continue to operate as normally as possible, we have adopted new measures to help our customers with FAT’s and SAT’s to enable our products to be shipped and installed.
Remote FAT & SAT
With travel restrictions still in place and customers unable to visit Sepha to attend an FAT, we have started remote processes where our customers can watch the acceptance test via a live video connection. The same applies to Site Acceptance Tests where we work closely with our customers to conduct the same test and follow the same process once the machine arrives on site. These new processes enable us to deliver our machines, but more importantly help our customers provide the required equipment to improve the accuracy of their leak detection procedures.
Completed FAT’s and SAT’s
To date we have completed an FAT and SAT for a Multi-Q for a pharmaceutical company in the USA and a SAT for a Multi-Q for a customer in Germany. We have also successfully passed an FAT for a VisionScan for a customer in India.
Remote Machine Training & Trouble Shooting
In addition we are completing live remote machine training with our agent in Korea and have an upcoming training sessions with a customer in Malaysia for a PakScan. We have also increased our capability to perform remote access trouble shooting in our service team to customers all over the world.
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