How sensitive are your leak test solutions?

The sensitivity that can be achieved differs for each test method and depends on container type and content. The Multi-Q HD combined with vacuum decay offers extra sensitivity down to 1µm, while the standard Multi-Q vacuum and pressure decay methods can identify leaks as low as 5µm in parenterals. The VisionScan 3D can test for micron holes in blister packs as low as 5µm and the PakScan and MediScan can both test as low as 10µm.

The sensitivity is often not determined by our machines, but by our customers’ requirements to demonstrate package integrity to protect the product inside.


Product Test Method Container Type Sensitivity*
Multi-Q HD Vacuum Decay Parenterals
(vials, ampoules, bottles, pre-filled syringes, BFS)
Multi-Q Vacuum/Pressure Decay Parenterals
(vials, lyo vials, ampoules, bottles, pre-filled syringes, BFS)
Multi-Q Flexible Membrane (Vacuum Decay) Flexible & Semi-Flexible Packaging
(non-porous pouches, sachets, bags, stick packs, medical device packaging)
VisionScan 3D Vacuum Deflection Blister Packs 5µm
PakScan Force Decay Flexible Packaging
(non-porous pouches, sachets, bags, stick packs, medical device packaging)
MediScan Force Decay Flexible Packaging
(non-porous pouches, sachets, bags, stick packs, medical device packaging)

* Pack and material dependent